after feeling what I guessed to be an arythmia (irregular heartbeat) I
checked in with my cardiologist and was given a heart monitor to wear
for 24 hours. Now that I'm wearing a wire, I've completed the ensemble
with a hat and sunglasses.
Anyway, as the evening came, I felt a bit fatigued for someone who had
the day off, and had times where I thought my heartbeat felt a bit
stonger than usual. My cardiologist was off for the night, but I spoke
with his backup, a doctor was from another practice whom I'd never
met. He felt everything sounded fine but I might want a full EKG for
peace of mind. 3 hours later I was home from the hospital doing fine.
Other then a lot of waiting for blood test results and a busy staff,
we had a few good laughs with the emergency room doctor who said
everything looked fine.
So, all is well and we're on our way to the Mid Atlantic Krahe meetup
in Richmond. It's a beautiful day and my new U2 mix is playing. Ah,
that's more like a relaxing day off!
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