Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is no news good news?

Well, I guess it depends on who you're talking about. Me, I'm pretty good. I've been feeling a little better each day, able to walk more (2-3 miles per day), and generally without pain until I sneeze, cough, or laugh too hard :) Sure, I get dizzy sometimes standing up too quick, and get winded walking up hills I never noticed before surgery. I do wish there were some real specific metrics I could measure up against to prove I was on track, but alas I must admit recovery doesn't work that way. If nothing else, I've had incredible weather to recover in since the day Ann Marie drove me home from the hospital. Almost four weeks now of sunshine and cool, dry weather. Not bad. Other than some tests this week, the next real milestone for me is a visit to my surgeon two weeks from today.

Other than me, though, there's a few other people that need taking care of.

My mom has been recovering well from surgery to address colon cancer, something she learned she had just days after my surgery. That she'd made the two & a half hour trip to see me in the hospital was amazing as, unknown to her, her illness was sapping most of her energy. Thanks to her husband Bill, my siblings, and her neighbors taking great care of her, she's in great spirits at home, and just yesterday celebrated her 80th birthday. I'm looking forward to seeing her in person when I'm able!

Back at home, one of our kids has been sick since last Thursday, and after ruling out strep and tonsillitis, our pediatricians have given a diagnosis of -- get this -- mono. Hey, isn't that just supposed to happen to teenagers? Turns out kids as young as four can get this virus, and the good news is the younger you are the less amount of time it affects you. And while it's no fun having mono, I guess it's not so bad when your Mom and Dad are both home with you!

Last, our friend's son Peter has been having a rough Fall. It's a longer story than I could cover here, but please send your warm wishes for good days at school, fun trips to the track in his "race runner" (think wheelchair for running), great episodes of Sponge Bob, fun video games, and restful nights.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Being a bit proactive from the consequence of years of parenting, good to get a response from a ping! Glad's all well.