Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ocean View

This hospital room is great. Private room, door closed, big window, end of a quiet hallway, and very little beeping or buzzing medical equipment. While it doesn't exactly have the ocean view I requested, it is at least looking East toward the Atlantic :-)

If you are wondering, I have had absolutely no pain with this procedure (and no pain medication, either). The recovery has been from the general anesthesia, which really wiped me out. I've felt better every hour that has passed,  and look forward to getting up and walking tomorrow.

Thanks for all the warm wishes. I'll blog again tomorrow.



Unknown said...

Glad you're doing well Chris.

Unknown said...

Good to hear you are covering well Chris!


Unknown said...

Recovering well too! :)

Brian said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Hope that you continue on the same track. Thanks for the updates. Looking forward to seeing you and the family in two weeks!