Friday, September 26, 2008


Well there's little doubt that heart surgery is like climbing a mountain.  If you are lucky like I have been, there's time to plan the trip, multiple routes to choose from, and plenty of experts to consult.   Once you set out, there are parts of the climb steeper or trickier than others,  surprises along the way, and hopefully when the trek is complete, a wonderful view from the top.

So I guess I can say I've made it to basecamp, and from here I can see what looks like a superb summit in the distance.  Indeed, I never guessed I'd be awake most of the day joking with Ann Marie and the hospital staff, and sitting in a comfy chair tonight blogging from our XO laptop.  Granted I'm a bit tired after a largely sleepless night last night, and after a diversion today to find the right mixture of pain medications I'm rather worthless.  But one thing's for sure -- I'm looking forward to tomorrow's challenges.  Who knows, maybe I'll blaze a new trail down the hallway!  


Dave said...

Chris, I'm simply astounded at how quickly you bounced back from that surgery! I expected you to be out of it for a while.

Unknown said...

Posting already - fantastic!!!
Now do get a great night sleep!
- Lazzaros

Anonymous said...

HEY Chris... so glad to see you doing well and blogging so soon after surgery. (although I'm not that suprised...knowing what I know of you!) Have a great night sleep. Tomorrow the hallway!!
Sue G.

Anonymous said...

Chris, you even picked the perfect weekend for your initial recovery. Looks like this weekend is a complete washout, but at least the rain was much needed.

maggy said...

I liked your analogy to mountain climbing... you sound like your old self, just with some new parts :)

So glad everything is going so well!

Tell AM and the kids hi!