Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Blogging, loud and clear..."

So, friends, I am one of the people that a certain Mr. Krahe has asked to blog on his behalf over the next couple months. I suppose a little bloggy hello is due.

Shall I introduce myself for those who have no idea who they're dealing with? I'm Becky Moseley, Chris' oldest sister's third child. You follow? So, Mr. Krahe is actually Uncle Chris to me. Or Uncle Crisco, as my little sister would call him.

I guess when my siblings and I were a wee bit smaller--okay, a lot-bit smaller, considering my brother towers over just about everything at 6'9"--our Uncle Chris would come out to California on business every so often. One of those times, my sister Grace was confused by his absense either during a family dinner or trip to the beach. She simply asked, "Where did Uncle Chris go?" Then giggled because it sounded like "Crisco". The name stuck. We must not be very exciting people if a name sounding similar to shortening that usually just takes up space in the back of our kitchen cabinets brought on as much laughter as it did.

But alas, we silly few seek to find humor in just about anything. And I am here, blogging away, trying to keep things light and fun amidst a pretty serious surgery. That's what Chris requested of me, so that's what I intend to do.

We're behind you every step of the way, Uncle Crisco! Goopy shortening and all.

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